Return to more comprehensive meal planning including all meals and some snacks. This worked out pretty well. We didn't completely stick to the plan all the time, but we definitely ate out less and had more ready-to-go options for breakfasts, lunches, and snacks.
Participate in a modified version of the Life Your Way real food challenge. We ended up traveling for the beginning of this scheduled week, which didn't start the challenge off well. Once we got home, we went out for coffees twice, and I think had some bagged appetizers. Not on the real food list! But we did do homemade burgers and fries instead of going out for lunch one day (and didn't go out at all that week!), and most of our snacks and meals were real food-ish.
Finish the fronts (2.5 left) and at least 25 of the sides of my Advent Calendar pockets. (See photo at the beginning of this post) I ended up finishing the fronts and 35 of the sides of my calendar pockets. 40 sides to go! And then the whole big background and putting it together and...
Organization Goals
Set up (and tweak as necessary) our bill-paying/paper storage center. You can see our bill paying center here. I've since added some file folders so it's easier to pull out what I need, but I still want to make them pretty with scrapbook paper and mod podge, so look for a post on that soon.
Switch coupon posts to one day a week rather than as they happen (probably Thursdays). I like this better, and I think it's working well!
Continue Menu Plan Mondays and What I'm Reading on Sundays. These have continued as always.
At least one "content" post per week besides all of the day-specific ones. With all of my progress reports on the organizing challenge, plus a few other projects, I more than covered these for this month.
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