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Saturday, January 17, 2015

#MinsGame Update 2

Round 2 of the MinsGame (read my first post here if you don't know what that means...)
Day 10: Winter hats and mittens, which keep multiplying, a ripped ninja costume, and a small reusable bag.
Day 11: A few bigger kitchen items, a pile of pictures to be mailed back to our old church, and several things to finish cleaning out a drawer.
Day 12: 12 undies that no longer fit right post-babies.
Day 13: I kept the 13 gift wrapping items on the right and got rid of the pile on the left.  I always try to involve the number of the day somehow, but sometimes I get rid of extra things.
Day 14: More pens.
Day 15: Shirts and my nursing cape.  I also turned my hangers around to see what I actually wear, so I'm sure I'll have more to add to this pile.
Days 16 and 17: Kids books we don't love or have doubles of, two kitchen spoons, and old coffee.  I had a few bags last year from couponing, and then kept getting and using kcups instead, and all of a sudden this coffee was best by last April.

I'm almost through the "easy" stuff, which means the next two weeks might be a little harder.  I know we have tons of stuff we could get rid of but sometimes in the moment of finding x number of things I draw a blank.

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