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Sunday, August 14, 2011

What I'm Reading...

Paper Towels and Frugality. We stopped using paper towels awhile ago. And the only napkins we use are extras from takeout. The only time I miss them is when I cook bacon, to catch the grease. (The Simple Dollar)

You Are What You Eat: What the Inside of Your Fridge Says About Your Household. I think ours would say...we need to go grocery shopping. Right now it sort of looks like a bachelor lives here - mostly condiments and a few random leftovers. (Offbeat Home)

What's Your Why? I think mine is making people happy, and doing whatever I can to help. And that includes sometimes helping myself, something that took me forever to learn. (The Happiest Mom)

Routines Can Make Even the Most Unsavory Tasks Easy. For me, it's doing the dishes. I've forced myself into the habit of doing them every night as soon as the kids are in bed. So now it's a habit. And there's never a mountain of dishes, unless I've gone crazy baking that day. (Unclutterer)

11 Excellent Reasons for Getting Rid of Your Clothes. No, not becoming a nudist. I'm really terrible at saving clothes for someday, because someday I'll magically like them better or they'll fit better. (I'm an Organizing Junkie)

Using Groupon to Boost Your Vacation Budget
. I am also a fan of using to find cheaper food for some meals. (Money Saving Mom)

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