Next came the trays. As you can see, they're still in the living room, and they're not empty, but I did get rid of all the extra statements and manuals that were living there.
In addition to my projects that I had planned, I also organized our important papers and documents, pulling out items that didn't belong, and filing the rest by category, one section for each member of the family, one for taxes, and a few others.
And, while it may not be paper clutter, I knew I needed to rework my hotmail account when it told me I had reached the maximum of 250 rules for sorting e-mails into folders. I had just been rerouting them from the inbox, which pulled from specific e-mail addresses rather than by keywords. I got rid of rules for newsletters to which I no longer subscribed, and reworked the rest by keywords to get rid of duplicates. It took me about an hour total, but I went from 250 rules to just over 100. I also unsubscribed from several mailing lists which I had been meaning to do for awhile, and purposely rerouted others to my inbox so I will be able to unsubscribe the next time I receive an e-mail from them.
All in all, I'd say this week's decluttering was a success!
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