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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Iron Craft Challenge #6: Just For Me

I've missed the past two Iron Craft Challenges, and to be honest, I thought I would end up not having time for this one either, but necessity made me make time.
This one is not glamorous or fancy crafting in any way, but this was definitely a helpful project for me! Sorry to any gentlemen who read this blog.  This one is not for you.
It's a sad day when you feel this happen to your favorite bra.  The underwire poked me in the armpit, and I was not happy at all.  I wear this one a lot.  I had seen lots of underwire fixes on Pinterest, but when I took a closer look, they all ended up using moleskin, something I don't have, and it didn't seem like a permanent solution.  Maybe I read wrong, but it sounded like something you'd have to fix every time you wash it?  Not for me.
I went to my scrap fabric collection and found a light-ish piece of pink and white.  Not the same color as my bra, but no one will see it.
I pushed the underwire back where it belonged and sewed the scrap fabric over the hole.  I actually went around the fabric twice, so I'm hoping it's strong and holds for awhile.  After one wash and several wears, so far so good!

I see some shopping in my future, but this should give me time to find the best deal...


  1. I've had to soften where mine hit before & found a little piece of flannel shirting is great too.

  2. This is brilliantly practical, and saving a properly fitting bra is definitely pampering. Not only do you get to keep wearing it, but you get to postpone the woes of bra-shopping until a day or a sale when it's easier to face.

    1. Amen on the woes of bra shopping! Probably one of my least favorite things.
