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Friday, March 15, 2013

31 Day Organizational Challenge: Progress Report

It's time for another update on the 31 Day Organizational Challenge! This week...was not very successful.

  • Purge the craft stuff!
  • List the toy boxes to try to sell them
  • Work on the hall closet
You can see the toy boxes in this picture from the beginning of the challenge.  I posted them for sale in a moms group I am a part of, and one of my friends wanted to buy them.  Once we figure out how I can get them to her, they will be out of this space.  I already dealt with the gray tub of boxes and jars last week, so this stack is no more (well, soon enough anyways)!

Another goal for the week was to continue to purge craft stuff.  I was able to give away the extra jars from the gray tub, as well as another box of random craft stuff, on Freecycle. (Excuse the terrible photo, but I almost forgot to take one before I headed out the door!)

While I knew I wouldn't use the craft stuff that I gave away, there were also some projects I've been saving things for, that I just haven't gotten around to finishing yet.  So I started doing some of those too:

Coffee Bean Candles

Easter fridge magnets, which I made by putting stickers on random magnet pieces I had saved.

And I started a couple more, but then...

I had plans to get more done this week craft-wise, and then both of my kids and my husband got sick.  Ugh.  So a few pretty sleepless nights and attention-filled days have taken most of my time.  It happens.  I'll keep working on craft stuff next week, as well as clearing off my current "work station"/future changing table area.


  1. You go girl!

    You're doing great. Keep it up.


  2. The best laid plans... I love the projects you've been able to do. Keep it up. That ickiness has been affecting a lot of people's productivity lately. I hope they're feeling better and you can feel more accomplished this week.

  3. Even a little progress is good progress! A new week is ahead, keep up the good work!
    Your candles and Easter magnets are very cute :0)

  4. I love that you used your crafts!

  5. Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I was able to get a bunch of stuff done on Saturday before I got sick myself on Sunday, so I'll at least have something to report back on next week.
